Wednesday, February 23, 2011

SNOW much fun with "Cuffies" :-)

This may be a little after-the-fact. But, a few of you had asked me about the "cuffies" that my boys wear when they play in the snow.

I read about this idea in a magazine, years ago. So, it's not original. But, I can tell you, it's very useful!

Do you remember playing in the snow as a kid, and the snow would get in between your gloves and coat? Your wrists would get very cold, and sometimes scalded. I recall constantly pulling down on my coat sleeves, trying to keep it overlapping my gloves.

Well, this is a helpful solution to this problem. It also recycles a useless item. As to why they're called "cuffies"? I'm not sure. That's what they were called when I first read about the idea.
-Take an old sock... slightly longer ones, not an ankle sock... and we only use one's that have a hole in it.
-Cut off the tip of the toe area, and another small hole in the side for the thumb to fit through

Slip the "cuffie" on, then your coat, then your gloves.

They do get wet, but it's better than snow directly on your skin. My boys love them!

1 comment:

  1. Allyson, thanks for the post - we might have to implement that idea!
