Tuesday, August 9, 2011

On This Day

On this day, my love
I vow to you
Your faithful wife and friend
Always true
I count it as a privilege
to take your hand today
Now before our Lord and God I pray

These words are the beginning of a song I pinned a little over fourteen years ago.
It was sung at my wedding, fourteen years ago, today.

I can honestly say that the words of this song are still my earnest prayer.

That our love will show the beauty of His love                             
That our lives will be directed by His hand above
And no matter what trials in life we face
We know He'll grant us His abounding grace
And we'll stand in awestruck wonder of His ways
As we share the love He's given us on this day

God did give us a love on that day. A love that has grown. Deep, passionate love.

Love that has...
...cried together over loss.
...rejoiced over God's goodness.
...danced in the hallway.
...held each other for "just one more minute".
...watched our boys grow from baby to young adult.
...laughed uncontrollably.
...held hands in comfortable silence.
...learned to know the other's needs just by the look in their eyes.
...enabled us to say "I'm sorry".
...pushed and helped each other conform to the image of Christ.

A love that has endured... through wonderful, exhilarating times. As well as difficult, trying times.
I am so grateful that God has blessed me with my husband, and for the love He has given us for each other.
Thinking about the past 14 years only makes me more excited for the next 14.

God's hand has directed. His grace has abounded. And we can't help but to stand in awe of His ways.

On this day, my love
I vow to you         
Your faithful wife and friend
Always true
I love you

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary! So thankful for you and Dave and the testimony of God's goodness in your lives. :)
