Wednesday, March 30, 2011 rest

I'm just gonna' be honest with you all. I am TIRED! So, you're thinking, go to bed... Normally, I would agree. However, right now my husband is in Haiti. And, when my husband is away, sleep seems to elude me. Seriously, I can go to bed at my normal time, and lay there for HOURS. Tossing and turning, checking the clock, certain that it has to be morning by the next time I check... only to find that 45 minutes has passed. So, I find that if I stay up very late, when I do finally hit the pillow, I'm able to fall asleep.

(On a side note... I don't know how you military wives, and wives of men who have to travel for their jobs have energy for anything. I would live with huge, saggy, dark bags under my eyes, and an IV drip of coffee. You have my admiration.)

It's not that I'm anxious about him not being here. *Although, there was a time when I felt that way. He's been on many missions trips since we've been married. For many years, I wouldn't even stay home by myself.*  I am keenly aware that I'm the only one who is listening for the boys during the night. Normally, I'm a very heavy sleeper. There are many nights that one or more of our boys have gotten up, Dave has helped them stumble to the bathroom and back to their beds, and I've never known they were up. One of our boys is a sleep walker too. (I could tell you some stories about that one!) So, that fact alone keeps me more "awake" than I normally would be with Dave here.

Mostly though, I just feel "out of sync". My world is not complete. Plain and simple, I need my husband.

The house just isn't at rest when my husband is gone.

I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining about him being gone. While I'm not thrilled that I get to survive the week on a caffeinated level of sleep deprivation, I am truly grateful that he gets these opportunities to go to other countries and minister to the people there.

It's also been neat to talk with my boys about the part we play in this missions trip. With each passing year, and each trip Dave goes on, they become more aware of the work he's doing on the trips. They are also more aware of the fact that he's not home, missing him greatly. In the past few days, I've had the opportunity to share with my boys how the Holy Spirit can put someone on your mind, and it's a great idea to contact them or pray for them right then. As they've been missing Daddy so much, he's come to their minds often. Yesterday, Isaac (6 yr old) was sitting on the couch with his head bowed. I asked him if he was okay. He quickly looked up and said, "I thought about Daddy, so I'm praying for him." I love to see glimpses of faith being put into action in the lives of my boys! It was so neat to talk to Dave that evening, and find it was close to the time Isaac was praying for him, that he was assisting one of the other team members (who's a PA) with a gentleman who'd accidentally amputated some of his fingers on a motor chain. I'm sure that Dave did everything he could to help. But, it's definitely a first for him! There's no doubt that God was comforting Dave during that event.

I am thankful for a husband who loves God so much, and is willing to go to the ends of the world (literally) to tell others of His GREAT LOVE. I am also thankful for my boys, who are here with me, praying for their Daddy, and the rest of the team. I am thankful for the lessons we've learned together about prayer, and the prompting of the Holy Spirit when He lives in us. And, I will also be very thankful when my husband arrives home later this week!

He will walk in, and our home will be as it should be... at rest.

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