Monday, May 13, 2013

blissfully boring

this time of the year is upon me again... time that i spend fewer and fewer moments behind the computer. the beautiful outdoors calls and blog entries fall few and far between.

this corner, albeit neglected, is not forgotten. and there is certainly plenty to share. though mostly, it is just every day stuff. stories of playing catch up with school following weeks of illness, rushing outside to play in picture perfect spring weather..and, oh, baseball season is in full force. so, there are practices and games, and never a shortage of grass and dirt stains to rid out of pants, along with a never-ending laundry pile mountain.

all happenings are wonderful, and quite the welcome change from our winter full of sickness. sunshine, fresh spring breezes, crack of bat and ball, flowers and warmth... they all ushered in a season of health and reminded us tomorrow's hold new mercies.

along with gorgeous weather, the month of April brought birthdays upon us. all within eight days, myself and my two oldest all turn one year older.

these two boys of mine...suddenly young men before me. i check on them at night, shocked time and again that their feet reach the ends of their beds. standing, staring eye to eye with one and looking up at the other. they are miraculous. and the awestruck knowledge of blessing i had at their birth carries right through today. it is a privilege to be their Mom.

basically, that wraps up the lack-of-words month of April and start of May. sure, we have had smatterings of appointments and gatherings with friends. special one-on-one times with our boys and life lessons tugging our hearts. but all in all, it's just been a normal month. perhaps it has been boring to tell, or read for that matter. but i will take it, for it has been blissfully boring. 

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