Tuesday, February 5, 2013


it is not that i know what i must write, it is simply that i must....

so many thoughts and emotions swirling. it is difficult to make sense of any.
tragedy does this. creates this fog of confusion. and it seems only fitting that snow would flit in a flurry these past days. they picture these emotions and thoughts so well.

tip of nose to window, i watch them as they fall. some race their way to the ground, but others take a most interesting route. they do not drop. but instead, they dance. waltz-like, they flutter round-a-bout. i can't help but wonder if maybe those dancing snowflakes have the most interesting patterns, intricate zig-zags, causing them to catch the slightest change of wind.

does God chisel us like this.. through His word, experiences and life in general..? could i be formed so intricately that i would catch the slightest movement of His Spirit? and could i dance through the swirls of this life? He makes it possible, and reminds me that i can... but only with His strength.

"and I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and give them joy for their sorrow... and My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, declare the Lord." Jeremiah 31:13b-14b

so, in the midst of this swirling, i will remember to dance. and i will softly land.. satisfied in God's goodness.

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