Thursday, September 8, 2011

Family Fun

Hello blogging world!

Like so many of you who also have children, the past few weeks have been *CRAZY* busy. Fall sports have begun, church activities have started back up, and of course... school.

Why does everything have to begin again in September? Or at least within 2 weeks of each other.

This is actually the first year we've begun our school year in September. In past years we've started earlier in the summer and gotten "ahead" in order to have a more relaxed schedule during the holidays, or "close school" for the almost inevitable sick days winter seems to bring. However, this year's summer was busy as well. And, I found myself torn between curriculums late into the summer. This has never happened either. Normally, all curriculum is chosen and purchased by May for the following year. But, I found myself pondering and praying over it, not having a peace about the decision until August. I finally decided to go with something new, Tapestry of Grace , and so far... I'm extremely happy with my choice! The curriculum is rich in content, with a strong emphasis on seeing God's hand in history. We're only a few days into it, and I'm already seeing evidence of my boys recognizing God in ways they hadn't thought about before. I'm excited about the rest of the year.

Other than being busy with schoolwork and preparation for it, we just got back from NC, where we got to visit with my Dad's side of the family. It was wonderful to see all of our relatives! The kids had a great time playing together ... and, well... so did the adults :-).

There are some things that you only enjoy with family.... "sledding" down a grassy hill on a large piece of cardboard may fall in that category. What a hoot!

1 comment:

  1. Trying to think of a hill to do this on now.....
    Looks like fun! We love TOG too!
    Kelly K
