Monday, October 31, 2011

Woolly Bear FAIL

the woolly bear...

a lot of people think that it can predict the weather...

...will we have a mild winter, or a hard winter?

Here is a picture of one from our backyard... taken just a couple of weeks ago...

...he's laughing at me... I'm sure of it. He looks so innocent and harmless, his light stripe wide, un-alarming.

Looking at him, we never expected to see accumulating snow on October 29.

The snow fell though... heavily. As it collected on the still attached leaves, the branches became heavy, finally breaking to the ground.  This normally quiet event sounded with "crack" and "thud". It was unnerving.



I don't recall ever seeing snow this early. And, I'm hoping that woolly bear got it right, that this early winter storm is not a warning of what we're going to see this year.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, if woolly bears can predict the snow than I think we're in for a snowy winter. We've seen lots of them around our backyard this fall. Eek! :)
