Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just Call Me Mrs. Merry Maid

This winter has been one of illness for our family. We've passed around a tummy virus, strep throat, flu, plus some other unidentified cold-like symptoms. With 6 people in the household, some of these illnesses have lingered for longer than necessary, making certain we were aware of their prescense, I suppose.
There are some winters that the kids get sick, and I'm able to steer clear. This has not been one of those winters. I've been sick.
While recouping though, I mentally went through each room of our house, writing down what needs to be done. There are items that need to be sorted, thrown away, donated, and organized. There are a couple of rooms that I'd like to rearrange and paint. There's some trim work that needs to be finished and some more that needs to be replaced. There are quite a few other "little" projects as well. Things that aren't difficult themselves, just time consuming.
Part of this list includes some cleaning. I'm not talking about "every day" cleaning. I'm talking about the really up high and down low spots. The areas that don't usually get touched during "normal" cleaning.
So, a few nights ago, I got out my broom and went about accomplishing one of these projects.
Cleaning the cobwebs from the cathedral ceiling in our dining room.
While we do have a tall ladder, it is in the garage. And, well, the garage is COLD.... and the ladder is hard to handle. And, I just figured I could accomplish this task more quickly without the ladder.
So, I aimed, and THREW the broom at the cobwebs!
I must say, the first couple of tosses were pretty successful. The broom hit the cobwebs and began to loosen them.
HA! Umm... yeh, that's my broom... stuck on my curtain. Dave was home and able to retrieve the broom for me, only after both of us had a good laugh though.
I am happy to say that all cobwebs are down, and the broom, as well as the curtains survived :).


  1. Thanks for the laugh--TOOOOO FUNNY!

  2. LOL! That sounds like something I would do.

  3. Hahaa! That is funny! That looks like something I would do.


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