Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Cuddles

 Every Christmas, we get out our collection of Christmas books. We love these stories, and try to add a new one each year. Most of them are stories about the reason we celebrate, Jesus, while a few are just fun stories that make us laugh, and 1 of them is a seek and find book.
Whatever their title, they all serve the same purpose for us. They create a reason to be together, cuddle and find solitude.

This year, these books were read more than ever. Our family has been sick, off and on, for the past 3 weeks. So, we've had many opportunities to cuddle and spend time reading.

All of the boys were sick the week of Christmas, and not able to attend a Christmas Eve service. So, instead, we were home. Part of our evening included gathering around Grandad, and listening as he read to us. He read stories reminiscent of the first Christmas, when our Lord, and Saviour was born. It was a wonderful way to bring the day to a close, and sent us all to bed thinking of a night long ago.

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